Spelling StarAn app to create spelling lists and practice them.
Grades: K-6 FREE right now -- normally $1.99 |
Math Mountains: Add & SubtractAn app to create learn fact families.
Grades: K-5 FREE right now -- normally $0.99 |
Math Mountains: Multiply & DivideAn app to create learn fact families.
Grades: K-6 FREE right now -- normally $0.99 |
Tiny TapCreate interactive games!
Grades: K-12 FREE |
Math DoodlesSeveral different math puzzles/games. Excellent app for building number sense.
Grades: K-12 FREE |
Tiny Bop AppsSeveral different apps available from this creator. The apps are a great way to allow students to explore things like the human body, space, robots, and so much more.
Grades: K-12 Price ranges from $2.99 to $3.99 for individual apps. You can also purchase collections of apps. |
Math Learning Center AppsThis site has more than 10 amazing apps for teaching math. Most of these apps are virtual manipulatives, but there are specific activities you can do with each one.
Grades: K-8 FREE |
Brain PopShort, educational videos and quizzes.
Grades: K-12 The app is free, but you need an account to view all of the content. |
Dragon Box AppsSeveral really good, unique apps primarily for math, but they have added reading and how to play chess. Kahoot purchased Dragon Box so the apps are branded with the Kahoot logo.
Grades: K-12 Most are free. They offer in-app purchases. |
Letter SchoolThis is a great app to helps students learn their letters and how to write them.
Grades: PK-1 Free with in-app purchases |
Sumaze AppsThere are several really good math puzzle apps.