App Design Challenge
Watch this video and follow the directions below.
1. Come up with an idea for an app.
2. Create a 2-3 minute video using Adobe Spark that explains what your app is and what it will do.
3. Explain why you think your app would be valuable to people.
4. Make sure you include wireframes of your app in your video.
5. Submit a link to your video using the button to the below.
2. Create a 2-3 minute video using Adobe Spark that explains what your app is and what it will do.
3. Explain why you think your app would be valuable to people.
4. Make sure you include wireframes of your app in your video.
5. Submit a link to your video using the button to the below.
Wireframe Template - printable document to create wireframes - web site to design wireframes
Adobe Spark Video - tool to create your video - my app development company web site
Spelling Star - my first app
Math Mountains: Add & Subtract - my second app
Math Mountains: Multiply & Divide - my third app - web site to design wireframes
Adobe Spark Video - tool to create your video - my app development company web site
Spelling Star - my first app
Math Mountains: Add & Subtract - my second app
Math Mountains: Multiply & Divide - my third app